
As the name suggests, this is our sharpest, high precision, ultra filigree printable resin. Not only does it prints very precisely but it cast like wax. Due to very low viscosity, this resin can print very fast and has high throughput in production.
Download BrochureThe Prints & The Castings
Witness the fine prints and amazing casting results.


Forowax is a perfectly balanced resin to support multitude of designs whether it be surface based or filigree. Formulated with high wax content polymers, this is a special resin for items that require high precision and smoother surface quality.
Download BrochureThe Prints & The Castings
Witness the fine prints and amazing casting results with Forowax.


Velvet, the advanced Castable Resin for jewelry manufacturing. Experience unparalleled detail, Surface Smoothness, and ease of integration with your 3D Printing and Casting setup. Velvet can be used on all DLP and LCD Printers. Born from Precise Research & Developement by Protospeed, Velvet offers unmatched versatility in our Resin line, delivering ash-free burnout in various investment burnout procedures. Essential for the jewelry manufacturer, Velvet is a must-have Resin in your casting arsenal. Upgrade your production process with the next generation of Castable Resins.
Download BrochureThe Prints & The Castings
Witness the fine prints and amazing casting results with Velvet.


Introducing new Castable Resin by Protospeed. Citrowax is compatible with all types of Jewelry for 3D Printig & Casting especially for ones with narrow gaps. Citrowax offers intricate balance between Smoothness & Fine details.
The Printing & The Castings
Witness the fine prints and amazing casting results with Citrowax